Hasta ve Diet Yemekleri
In Short :
Healthy Food & Nutrition Services for Patients : Our Mission
It is our biggest goal is to combine health and moralemotivation with personalized choices by combining both happiness and treatment with dishes that enable the health of the people in the world to combine with the right and ecological agriculture, by providing job opportunities to the masses as well as to make the patients and relatives feel good, to release the hormones of happiness.
In the first interview, the necessary tests and information should be recorded in the data warehouse. The blood values (FAD, TKR, cholesterol profile, etc.) will be guided in the initiation of treatment.
The individual’s eating habits should be planned according to the physical activity of the work and social environment.
An individual’s daily diet should be appropriate to the energy, age, sex and physical activity level.
Because of those reasons, our aim is to provide right and healthy food to everyone.
In our patient services, our primarily dietician will fill patient evaluation form at first. In this form, age, gender, body mass index are calculated. All those information and the results of those tests, and also patients blood test changes are very important for us. Our goal is to reduce the high values and improve the life quality of the patient. We plan the medical nutrition treatment for vomiting, nausea, diarrhea or constipation problem conditions of the patients.
We’ll serve hot food at 65-85 degrees and cold is served below 10 degrees. While preparing meals we are using grilling, boiling, baking and steaming methods.
In order to keep the temperature constant, we use a special packaging system that holds two compartments one side hot and one side cold.