Your body needs dopamine if your mood is broken or you are very sad. Are most of our patients not need moral store food?
Serotonin hormone, also known as a natural mood stabilizer, and our motor behavior, our emotional balance, our eating habits, our digestive system and shows the effect in many ways until our sleep.
The secretion of the serotonin hormone at a healthy level in our body helps to reduce depression, prevent anxiety disorders, heal wounds and help the digestive system to work more efficiently.
It is also possible to increase oxytocin hormone which is important in patient treatment such as negativity, anxiety, depression, constant tension, feeling stressed, migraine attacks, feeling unhappy and cranky that occur in deficiency of oxytocin hormone.
Endorphin hormone is exactly the body’s pain. The more pain a person has, the more secreted the brain endorphin is. Endorphin is the body’s natural drug. Sometimes produced endorphins are not enough to stop pain. For example, when extracting teeth, doctors inject morphine into the gums. Naturally, this morphine is produced by our brain. But endorphins are many times stronger than morphologically produced morphine in the laboratory. Morphine is injected directly into the body because it injects directly, but the brain produces endorphin in a longer time and as long as it is sufficient. is important in the treatment of patients.